He wasn't too happy to be away for his source of nutrients at first but with a little persistence and lots of TLC we managed to lull him to sleep, much to Mummy's surprise.

He was now more than happy to comply, just look at those cheeks! ^_^

I also got to try out a couple of new hats my super talented sister in law sent me...

And what's my favourite so far?

Thanks for letting me capture your little man Cath, he's truly beautiful and i hope you enjoy your sneak peek :)
These are all so beautiful, love your tones in the second to last one.
These are just SOOOOO cute. I love your post processing and posing of this little angel. He is just to cute. Nice work. :)
Precious! I love the hats. What a sweet baby!
He is so cute and wrinkly! Love the photos and the hats!
Just gorgeous. Very cute hats. Was just showing Mum your photos:)
They are so beautiful Carol, you are one talented woman!
Aww he's so cute and chubby! I really love those last two poses, and I agree with Cecillia - those tones are beautiful.
GORGEOUS! Love them all!
How UTTERLY *adorable* honey!!
The photos are just an AWWWW moment Carol..especially love the one of the bub with his hand up near his cheek... love, Lou xx
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