And just look at this beautiful proud sister??

This little man obviously didn't mind all the poking and prodding his parents were letting me do to him... he even cracked a smile to let me know it was all good!

Thanks for sharing your little miracle with me Karl & Nadine, i hope you enjoy your sneak peek :)
what a darling little blessing!
Wow what a beautiful newborn (and sister). What a blessing!
I want one lol!
Another adorable little bundle :) I love the last pic the most.
Your photos are amazing!!!
LOVE the first pic!!! Too cute!
Awe, they are so adorable!
Omgoodness--this baby is so sweet. Mom will cherish these great photos always. Nice job.
Oh my! How sweet is he? Love the black and white! Very nice.
Very very sweet! Great job!
what a sweetheart! That smile is too cute.
These are absolutely ADORABLE!!
he is delicious! love these.
So sweet. Nice job!
so freaking cute!!!! That last shot is just awesome!
Oh my gosh, how beautiful!! Great job on these, just lovely.
ooh those hats and fluffy blanket looks so soft, I almost want to just feel it!
So precious!!!!Great pics!
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